Opposite to the Old Riga on the left bank of the River Daugava stands the new building of the National Library of Latvia (LNB) — the Castle of Light — which is one of the most impressive culture buildings in Latvia over the past decades. The Castle of Light is intended as a multifunctional culture and education centre, repository of knowledge.
The LNB new building was designed in the 1990ies by Gunārs Birkerts — the most renowned and appreciated Latvian architect in the world. He has designed the Law Library Building at the University of Michigan and the Corning Museum of Glass that were both included in a list compiled by the American Institute of Architects of 150 of the all-time favourite buildings built in America.
The architect has intended that the LNB new building will reflect a hill of glass that has symbolic sense in the Latvian culture. The building has 13 floors that rise 68 m high.
The total area of the LNB building is divided into five zones — public area, readers' area, repository, employee and technical maintenance area. There will be conference and seminar rooms, a restaurant, reading-rooms, and other premises making the Castle of Light a culture centre of national importance.
Castle of Light was officially opened in June 2014.